Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mrs. Crosby Loves to Play - Review

I received a sample hank of Mrs. Crosby Loves to Play - Train Case in Spangled Cotinga the other day and was told to test it out.

First of all I'm super excited to have the chance to test a yarn for the first time! HA!

I love the color way. The hand dyed semi solid Spangled Cotinga is a cool ice blue color and really speaks to me. I can envision a nice pair of gloves for the winter out of this icy blue Merino, Nylon and Viscose blend. But I had to rein myself in and actually knit a test swatch.

The recommended needle size for this yarn is a US 1.

I used a US 3, and I am very happy with the airiness of the fabric. I would recommend wooden needles due to the fact the yarn was very slippery and I needed a little more grip then what I got with metal needles. But, that is personal preference and nothing against the yarn.

All in all, I love the yarn. I love the color way and am very happy with the fabric. I envision so many projects with this yarn. I can't wait to get started with a project! This yarn left me very inspired and excited to find the perfect pattern for a nice pair of winter gloves, or a scarf, maybe even a matching tam or shawl...

Oh so many ideas are floating around in my creative head!